The idea of Almond Tree was conceived by parents who understand the peace of mind from knowing one’s child is safe with nurturing individuals who care for and provide experiences that promote their growth and development. In 2001, Almond Tree was birthed- and has evolved into a deeply nurturing learning space that supports children’s holistic development and provides a satisfying experience to children, families and staff.
Our commitment to families is to provide love, responsive care and early education to children in a safe, cheerful environment with caregivers/educators who nurture them, take care of their needs, provide competent supervision and facilitate joyful learning experiences designed to promote children’s learning and development.
We believe each family is unique and that children learn best when they feel loved, safe, nurtured and have positive relationships with responsive caregivers/educators who help them feel safe, seen, and heard. We also understand the importance of a balanced approach, where children have a mix of play and rich learning experiences that cultivate foundational knowledge, skills, and abilities, preparing them for later success in school and life.
sign up for a tour here